Grim Dawn Sales Exceed 2.5 Million Copies (5 Million With DLCs)

In a recently published job announcement, Crate Entertainment representatives revealed the sales results of Grim Dawn. They show that the title and its DLCs sold over 5 million copies.

Agnes Adamus


Crate Entertainment representatives have revealed the sales results of Grim Dawn. The job announcement (the company is currently developing the RTS Farthest Frontier), which appeared on Gamasutra, states that the base game has sold over 2.5 million copies. After adding to this the results generated by the DLCs, the number increases to 5 million copies.

It should be noted that the last time the developers boasted about the sales of Grim Dawn was in 2017. At that time, the title sold one million copies.

Grim Dawn is an action RPG that debuted on PCs on February 25, 2016. The title met with a warm reception from the critics - the average rating on Metacritic is 83%. Over time, the game lived to see two large expansions - Forgotten Gods and Ashes of Malmouth.

  1. Grim Dawn - official website
  2. Grim Dawn Review – worthy heir to Titan Quest

Grim Dawn

February 25, 2016

PC Xbox
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Agnes Adamus

Author: Agnes Adamus

Associated with since 2017. She started with guides and now mainly creates for the newsroom, encyclopedia, and marketing. Self-proclaimed free-to-play games expert. Loves strategy games, simulators, RPGs, and horrors. She also has a weakness for online games. Spent an indecent number of hours in Dead by Daylight and Rainbow Six: Siege. Besides that, she likes horror movies (the worse, the better) and listen to music. Her greatest passion, however, is for trains. On paper, a medical physicist. In fact, a humanist who has loved games since childhood.

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