Gray Zone Warfare (GZW) - Controller Support Explained

If you wonder whether GZW will offer controller support, we have answers that might interest you.

Aleksander Kartasinski

Source: Gray Zone Warfare, Developer: Madfinger Games

There has been a lot of turmoil recently regarding Escape from Tarkov and its controversial Unheard Edition “new feature”. Many fans are left disgruntled and disappointed, with broken trust towards Battlestate Games. This whole situation has been masterfully used by Madfinger Games studio which most probably expedited the release of their Gray Zone Warfare in Early Access, as even several days ago it was unclear when it will happen. The expectations from players are high and many of them wonder if the title will offer controller support. Well, let’s dive deeper and find out!

Controller support in Gray Zone Warfare explained

Escape from Tarkov filled a specific niche in MMOFPS subgenre of shooters. However, due to recent circumstances, a lot of fans have decided to leave this, otherwise successful game, and look for greener pastures. As soon as Gray Zone Warfare was announced back in November 2023, many players saw it as a new rival of Tarkov. Today, this competition became only fiercer since, obviously, GZW is a newer title, and a lot is expected from it. Among others – controller support.

The production puts a lot of focus on multiplayer element but also gives an option for PvE experience. Since it doesn’t have to be as competitive as PvP, controller support would be welcome (not to mention that a lot of players fare way better using pads than keyboard and mouse). However, in the very first stage of Early Access, GZW won’t offer controller support. The authors explain that the main platform they are putting their attention to is PC, however depending on fans’ response they do not rule out pads completely and, what is more, console release is not out of question either.

Bear in mind that Gray Zone Warfare will spend in EA on Steam some time that will allow the developers to take the community’s temperature and gather feedback for the most requested features. If controller support is crucial for you, there is no better time to share your voice than now. You can do it on official Discord server of GZW.

Gray Zone Warfare

April 30, 2024

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Aleksander Kartasinski

Author: Aleksander Kartasinski

Just a random from the depths of the internet who happens to be interested in video games like millions of other people on this planet. By sheer luck he was given a chance to write about them. Worked in IT department and supported users for way too long, but also given a chance to do some IT magic on a large scale in his free time. Interested in technology, games with intriguing mechanics, etymology, and linguistics.

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