God of War With Great Sales; High Bar to Clear for Ragnarok
Despite the passing years, God of War, released in 2018, is still selling well today. Since its debut, the game has moved 23 million units. Will God of War Ragnarok manage to repeat this exceptional result?

Some games, despite the passing years, do not let us forget about them. While the release of God of War Ragnarok is approaching, the previous game in the series reminds us of its market success. According to Sony's recently presented report God of War from 2018 sold more than 23 million copies worldwide. The game originally appeared on PlayStation 4 and later debuted on PC as well.
Interest despite the passage of years
Undoubtedly, more than 23 million copies sold is a big success for devs at Santa Monica Studio. Especially since the game's sales have been standing at a perfectly good level recently as well. Since last August, some 3.5 million units have been sold.
Will God of War Ragnarok top its predecessor?
One may wonder whether God of War Ragnarok will be able to not only catch up with, but also surpass its predecessor in terms of sales. However, it seems that Sony has nothing to fear. Fans are eagerly anticipating the new installment, and the promotional materials presented by the developers further whet the appetites. The latest of these can be found below.
PlayStation 5's market success
Not insignificant is also the sale of platforms on which the latest part of God of War will appear. We are specifically talking about the PlayStation 5. Sony's new console has found, since its release in 2020 about 25 million buyers. This shows how much interest the Japanese company's device enjoys among gamers. The PS4, on the other hand, has sold 117 million units.
Debuting soon
World premiereof God of War Ragnarok has been scheduled for November 9. The game will be released on both PS4 and PS5. As for the possible release on PC, players are waiting for information. Certainly, however, the appearance of Santa Monica Studio's work on PC would help dethrone the previous part in the sales competition.