Garden of the Witch brings many changes to Hunt Showdown. All you need to know about the new event

Garden of the Witch is coming to Hunt Showdown 1896. So, what novelties will Crytek introduce this time?

Agnes Adamus

Source: Hunt Showdown, developer: Crytek

Garden of the Witch event alongside patch 2.3 will come to Hunt Showdown on March 26. It will introduce a huge number of changes. After looking at them, I am quite optimistic, it probably will not be a similar disaster as in August. So, let’s list some of the most interesting novelties.

Garden of the Witch coming to Hunt Showdown 1896

Of course, Garden of the Witch will recycle some old mechanics but it will introduce new content and many balance changes, too. So, what can you expect? First of all, Pledge Marks will be back. You can get them for performing special activities during the game. Then you'll be able to spend them in Rare Supply Points on various bonuses like seasonal perks. In this event you will be able to buy three traits:

  1. Blademancer – You can use Dark Sight to quickly retrieve launched projectiles (however now it doesn’t deal damage to living creatures);
  2. Corpse Seer – You will receive a Dark Sight Boost when looting Hunters (even when you don’t have a Bounty Token);
  3. Gunrunner – Allows you to equip two large guns at the same time.

As we are already talking about perks, you should know that Poltergeist and Blast Sense will come back as regular traits. Of course, Garden of the Witch will also introduce new skins and weapon variants (Carabine Silencer, Mosin Obraz Match and Mosin Obrez Sharpeye).

Now let’s talk about balance changes that will come with patch 2.3. One of the biggest problems that I see in this patch is Silencers nerf. After the event’s release, damage of all weapons with this attachment will be decreased by 10%. I understand why developers decided to do this. Krag and Maynard are way too strong. So, they require some changes. Weakening other weapons in the process, however, seems unnecessary. It will be especially painful for Sparks players, because the silenced version will lose the strongest ability – 149 damage.

Killing bosses will be easier again. Now, fighting with these strong creatures with a duster or knife is extremely painful. Patch 2.3 will boost these weapons and make their damage inflicted on bosses higher. Additionally, spawn rate of World Melee Weapon in the lairs will be increased. So, you don’t have to run with an axe or hammer through half of the map.

I’m playing Hunt: Showdown for over two years. I witnessed how some guns fall from grace during this time. In the upcoming event two of them will receive a buff.

  1. One of the biggest downfalls is definitely Uppercut. This long ammo single-action revolver was a great option for people who took shotguns or Bomb Lance as primary weapons. However, Crytek nerfed its damage to 123 and added bullet drop in patch 2.0. With a price tag of over 400 Hunt Dollars, this weapon is simply too expensive. After the patch 2.3, Uppercut will cost 310 Hunt Dollars, so it will be a much better investment.
  2. Martini Henry is another forgotten weapon. Right now, it’s barely used by players, because there are many better alternatives for this gun. The upcoming patch, however, will introduce Fast Fingers for it.

This is not everything that the patch will introduce. Crytek also decided to make changes in the traps, recruitment rules and gunplay. Unfortunately, we still don’t have any information about the return of DeSalle. If you want to read more about Garden of the Witch, even those less important novelties, you can find them all in the official post on Steam.

Hunt: Showdown

August 27, 2019

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Agnes Adamus

Author: Agnes Adamus

Associated with since 2017. She started with guides and now mainly creates for the newsroom, encyclopedia, and marketing. Self-proclaimed free-to-play games expert. Loves strategy games, simulators, RPGs, and horrors. She also has a weakness for online games. Spent an indecent number of hours in Dead by Daylight and Rainbow Six: Siege. Besides that, she likes horror movies (the worse, the better) and listen to music. Her greatest passion, however, is for trains. On paper, a medical physicist. In fact, a humanist who has loved games since childhood.