Foxhole Ranks and Levels and How To Get Them

In the wargame Foxhole you can acquire many ranks. In this guide you will learn how to get them.

Adam Adamczyk


Source: Steam | Foxhole

Foxhole is an early access online war game, in which fast-paced action is combined with strategic thinking. The release of version 1.0 will take place on September 28 and then the game's popularity is likely to grow even more. In the game the players can climb the military career ladder, reaching higher and higher ranks. From this guide you will learn how to earn ranks and the benefits of having them.

Earning ranks

The system of earning ranks in Foxhole is not very complicated. At the beginning of the game we start without a rank, but we can quickly become a Private after gaining one recommendation. These are awarded by other players and can be described as praises for tasks well done. Unfortunately, some players abuse this system and exchange recommendations, which enables them to climb up the military career ladder faster.

In practice, the only reward associated with achieving a higher rank is the ability to create your own squad. This option is unlocked after earning the rank of Corporal.


However, commendations cannot be given to players in any quantity. They must be collected beforehand, and this can be done through leveling, that is, earning experience points. Experience can be obtained by performing a variety of activities, such as gathering resources, crafting blueprints, or repairing structures or vehicles. To put it in a nutshell: levels are earned by performing a variety of in-game activities, and ranks are obtained after earning a sufficient number of commendations from other players.

List of ranks

Gaining the first ranks is relatively quick. To advance to the rank of private, you only need one commendation. Corporal, which is the rank after which you can create your own squad, requires eight commendations.

  1. Pte (Private) - 1 Commendation
  2. LCpl (Lance Corporal) - 4 Commendations.
  3. Cpl (Corporal) - 8 Commendations.
  4. Sgt (Sergeant) - 20 Commendations.
  5. SSgt (Staff Sergeant) - 50 Commendations.
  6. WO2 (Warrant Officer 2) - 100 Commendations.
  7. WO1 (Warrant Officer 1) - 150 Commendations.
  8. OCdt (Officer Cadet) - 200 Commendations.
  9. 2Lt (Second Lieutenant) - 500 Commendations.
  10. Lt (Lieutenant) - 800 Commendations
  11. Cpt (Captain) - 1200 Commendations.
  12. Maj (Major) - 1800 Commendations
  13. LT Col (Lieutenant Colonel) - 2700 Commendations.
  14. Col (Colonel) - 3900 Commendations.
  15. Brig (Brigadier) - 5900 Commendations.
  16. Maj Gen (Major General) - 8900 Commendations.
  17. Lt Gen (Lieutenant General) - 13400 Commendations.
  18. Gen (General) - 19900 Commendations
  19. FM (Field Marshal) 29900 Commendations.
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Adam Adamczyk

Author: Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.

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