Former Google CEO: Huawei is a Threat to Security

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, currently serving as chairman of the Pentagon's security innovation committee, believes that Huawei is a threat to global security.

Huawei takes flak again.


  1. Former CEO of Google and chairman of the Pentagon Security Innovation Committee, Eric Schmidt, considers Huawei a threat to global security;
  2. In his view, there is no doubt that the information processed by Huawei's routers has ended up in the hands of the Chinese government;
  3. The company has denied these allegations.

The BBC reports that Google's former CEO, Eric Schmidt, considers the Chinese company Huawei a threat to global security. In his opinion, there is no doubt that the information processed by its routers has been acquired by the Chinese government. It is worth noting that Mr. Schmidt is currently the chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Advisory Board.

"There's no question that Huawei has engaged in some practices that are not acceptable in national security There's no question that information from Huawei routers has ultimately ended up in hands that would appear to be the state. However that happened, we're sure it happened," said Eric Schmidt.

The accusations are related to a loud affair from recent years - Huawei has been accused by the US government of spying for its country. The climax was the cutting off of the company from services and goods provided / created by American entities (such as Google). In the months that followed, the tensions diminished slightly and relations between the US and China / Huawei seemed to normalize, but recently the topic has returned. It seems that the Americans do not intend to withdraw their charges.

Huawei categorically denies Eric Schmidt's words - the company suggests that they were said because of his current position.

"The allegations made by Eric Schmidt, who now works for the US government, are simply not true and as with similar assertions in the past, are not backed by evidence. Huawei is independent from any government, including the Chinese government," said Victor Zhang, head of Huawei's UK branch for BBC.

  1. Google - official website
  2. Huawei - official website
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