First Reviews: Partisans 1941 - Solid Strategy Game

Partisans 1941, a WWII strategy game in the vein of Commandos, launched yesterday. Reviews indicate that this is a title that should please fans of the genre.


  1. Yesterday, Partisans 1941 launched on PCs;
  2. Average review score: Metacritic 76%, OpenCritic 77%.

Yesterday, Partisans 1941, a game combining elements of strategy game and stealth, which in terms of gameplay resembles the famous Commandos, debuted on the market. The title is available only on PC (you can buy it on Steam for $29.99, but it is currently subject to a 10% discount). We can already find a lot of reviews of the game online.

Partisans 1941 - selected reviews

According to reviewers, Partisans 1941 is a solid work. Unfortunately, in some areas, the game is a bit too repetitive. Some people also complain about unpolished elements of gameplay mechanics, including key issues such as the combat system, stealth and interface (e.g. illegible icons, inventory screen).

Judged on its own merits, Partisans 1941 is a well-made adventure game with enough new ideas that it doesn’t need to fully ape its inspirations and just enough confidence that it, mostly, gets away with its shortcomings. If you can look past the slightly drab exterior, fans of the genre will certainly get a kick from its earnest blend of action and tactics," Mick Fraser, God is a Geek (rating 8/10).

"Partisans 1941 blends differing aspects of the tactical squad genre with mixed results. While the staging of ambushes and scouting of strongholds is as satisfying as any other game, the actual combat and fireworks leave a little bit to be desired," Rosh Kelly, Wccftech (rating 7.8/10).

"Partisans 1941 offers some great combat and stealth mechanics that will appeal to fans of the Commandos series, Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, and Desperados III. While it might not have the engrossing story of its counterparts and may lack polish in places, the gameplay mechanics still make for a thrilling ride from start to finish," Lise Leitner, Checkpoint Gaming (rated 6/10).

Partisans 1941 - review scores

Metacritic gives average review average of 76%. In the case of OpenCritic, it is slightly better (the average is 77%, although only 45% of reviewers considered the title worth a recommendation).

  1. 3DNews - 9/10
  2. 33bits - 85/100
  3. God is a Geek - 8/10
  4. The Digital Fix - 8/10
  5. GameStar - 80/100
  6. PC Gamer - 8/100
  7. Wccftech - 7.8/10
  8. Softpedia - 4/5
  9. The Games Machine - 7,1/10
  10. IGN Spain - 7/10
  11. GameWatcher - 6.5/10
  12. Checkpoint Gaming - 6/10
  1. Partisans 1941 - official website

Partisans 1941

October 14, 2020

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