First Female Model in CS:GO - Operation Shattered Web Launches
CS:GO got a new operation after two years. New skins, weapons and maps were added to the game. The operation will take at least 16 weeks, so the players will have plenty of time to unlock all content.

It's been two years since Valve added the last operation to CS:GO. The players slowly began to doubt that the game will see the 9th pass. However, on Monday night everything changed. Operation Shattered Web saw the light of day, being the biggest addition so far. The update introduces a number of new features, including additional maps, boxes and new collections of weapon skins, but above all, it gives the ability to unlock unique character skins. Every week the participants of the operation will receive 6 new missions, which can be performed in any order.

What exactly has been added?
- "Agents" skins. (including women) who are available for both terrorists and anti-terrorists. Master Agents have unique animations and voices
- Three new maps: Studio for normal gameplay, Lunacy for Flying Scoutsman and Jungle for Danger Zone.
- Awards at the end of the match (Overwatch style) - these will be awarded to the players based on their achievements such as the highest number of kill assists or MVP.
- 4 new weapons collections (with community projects), 3 of which will be prizes for operations: Norse, St. Mary and Canals, and 1 will be available in Shattered Web boxes
- Four knives: Paracord, Skeleton, Nomad and Survival
- Exclusive collection of stickers and graffiti, which will be available only for the duration of the operation.
- Operation token, which you will be able to upgrade from bronze to diamond as you progress: after completing successively 33 missions (silver), 66 missions (gold) or all 100 missions (diamond)
...and many others. Valve has also introduced minor changes to some maps and changed the prices of several weapons. You can read about all the changes on the official website. The price for Shattered Web season pass is $15. The tasks that the pass offers can be performed by anyone, but available rewards will only be given to pass holders. The operation will take at least 16 weeks, so the players will have plenty of time to unlock additional content.