FIFA 21 Upgraded on PS5 and XSX/S But Not on PC
We got to known the improvements planned for FIFA 21 on PS5 and XSX/S and they are really promising - including the technologies used by the DualSense controller, for example. Visual changes will not appear in the PC version of the game.

- PC owners will not be able to enjoy better visuals in FIFA 21 in regard to its upcoming release on next-gen consoles;
- This is due to the fact that Electronic Arts does not want to increase the minimum system requirements, and would be forced to do so given the planned changes in the gameplay and visual layer;
- The devs have designed the new installment of FIFA 21 to take full advantage of the DualSense controller.
EA has revealed, via Eurogamer and PlayStation.Blog, the novelties to be implemented in FIFA 21 on next-gen consoles (especially on PlayStation 5). The changes do not apply to PCs, as this version cannot count on any significant content update. What is the reason for this? EA's executive producer, Aaron McHardy, said it's about keeping the game's current minimum system requirements. A change was said to be inevitable if the company decided to include some graphical improvements on PC as well.
"When we looked at what generation to put the PC game on, we looked at our fans and what capabilities they had with the hardware they have.
And we have that information to understand what the power of the PCs out there in the world are. And when we looked at that, in order to run the gen five-game, our min spec would have been at a spot that would have left a lot of people out in the cold not being able to play the game.
So we made the choice to keep the PC version of the game on the gen four version of FIFA so that we can open the doors and be inclusive to everybody who wants to play FIFA," Aaron McHardy for Eurogamer.
Some fans may be disappointed by this fact, but those with weaker hardware will certainly appreciate EA's gesture. The company finally told a little bit more about the planned changes, the main attraction are those that use the technology offered by the revolutionary DualSense controller. For example, the haptic system has been thought of - it will react, among other things, to ball impacts (the pad will vibrate in a different place depending on which leg we kick the ball with). Moreover, the adaptive triggers will resist if our players feel tired on the pitch.
As far as visuals are concerned, EA primarily advertises the new installment of FIFA 21 with a special lighting system called LiveLight Rendering. This system will make stadiums and players more attractive, with improved environmental effects and facial details (which we will be able to admire thanks to the new option of setting the camera in relation to the pitch). The developers also decided to design further animations related to celebrations of players and the audience after scoring a goal, as well as special scenes in the stands before each meeting. The contact of players with the ball is also supposed to be much more realistic, which is said to increase the comfort of dribbling.
FIFA 21 will appear on PS5 and XSX/S on December 4, 2020. Owners of the game on PS4 and XONE will be able to upgrade it completely free of charge to next-gen edition, if they decide to take advantage of the "Two in One" option prepared by EA, more about which you can read here.