Far Cry 7 and Online Far Cry Rumored to be in Pipeline
There are many indications that Ubisoft is preparing for us not one, but two Far Cry games. The first is to be traditionally aimed at solo players, while the second - on network experience.

After the moderately received sixth installment Far Cry, Ubisoft was faced with a difficult choice - to decide whether to continue on the previously chosen path and offer game focused on the single-player campaign, or go in the direction of network play. And although there were reports suggesting that this time the French studio will focus on the latter, there are indications that this will not happen - at least not entirely.
Not one, but two projects
Such was the news shared on Insider-Gaming by Tom Henderson. According to his sources Ubisoft intended to create a single item combining single player and multiplayer gameplay, but these plans changed after developer Dan Hay (who was supposed to be responsible for the universal production) left to join Blizzard. This resulted in splitting the project into two separate titles..
According to information provided by Henderson Far Cry 7 is now referred to in studio the studio as Project Blackbird, while the multiplayer game has become known as Project Maverick. We also learn that Ubisoft Montreal is "heavily involved in both projects."
The setting - frosty Alaska?
Although little is still known about the above titles, the journalist's anonymous sources claim that the action of the online game would be set in the wilds of Alaska and focus on mechanics such as permadeath and contracts. As the informant points out, the project has undergone many changes over the past year.
Interestingly, in 2015 Ubisoft asked players about their expectations for future Far Cry games. Among the several options available was just "a Far Cry game about survival in an extreme wilderness, set in remote Alaska." It is worth mentioning that Henderson has even seen screenshots of the game showing, among other things, loot boxes and evacuation zones. Unfortunately, he could not share them.
Will the old heroes return?
It is also interesting to note that late last year Alex Fernandez (the actor providing voice of Juan Cortez in the 6th game) showed a photo from a recording session, and on the screen in front of him were the words: "A hostile spy activated Sonar Vision. Too bad we didn't have this when I was in the KGB." It's not a very precise clue, but as the journalist notes, the clue could be related precisely to the multiplayer mode, which would provide players with impersonation of characters familiar from previous installments of Far Cry.

Far Cry 7 - a vague look
Unfortunately, when it comes to Far Cry 7, there are even more unknowns. Henderson speculates that Project Blackbird will most likely be set in the same environment as the multiplayer mode.
"Understandably, the release of both games is still at least a few years away, with a tentative release date of fall 2025. However, despite the internal date, the publisher's inconsistency in meeting such deadlines may suggest that the game is even further away," reads Insider-Gaming's article.
Henderson contacted Ubisoft for information from the source, but the studio said it "does not comment on rumors or speculation."