Far Cry 6 Does Have the Traditional Secret Ending, but Not Early On
Far Cry 6, like several previous installments, features a secret, rather non-obvious ending that enables us to see the end credits without actually playing through the game. This time around, however, two quarters of an hour isn't enough to get there.

It's a kind of tradition that the subsequent instalments of the Far Cry series have a hidden ending. It's no different in Far Cry 6 - but while in fourth and fifth installment we could see them after just a few minutes, we'll need a lot more time to achieve the same thing in Far Cry 6.
I invite you to continue reading, if you are not afraid of spoilers.
To be able to see the secret ending in Ubisoft's latest game, you need to complete almost the entire prologue of the campaign. It's made up of eight missions (known as operations) and takes at least a couple of hours to complete. If, in addition, we want to immediately clear the first island of all attractions, this time will increase even more.
Anyway, eventually we'll get a quest called "The Guerrilla". In the beginning, the rebel leader, Clara, will put Dani in a dilemma - the hero can sail to Miami and stay out of the Yara conflict or join the fight for freedom for good. If we choose the first option - get on the boat and sail towards the horizon - after a while, we'll be treated to the following cutscene. After it we'll see the final credits.
What's important, the game won't punish us in any way for taking shortcuts - after returning to the main menu we'll be able to choose the "Continue" option, which will enable us to take up the story just before Dani boarded the boat. We don't lose anything by choosing to see the hidden ending. What's more - we are rewarded with the achievement "Hidden in Plain Sight", and by seeing the consequences of our lack of commitment, we can gain additional motivation to fight for freedom.
The hidden ending can also be unlocked in a different way. All you have to do is... fly a helicopter off the map.
Far Cry 6's launch took place today. The title is available on PC, PS4, PS5, XOne, and XSX|S. You can read our impressions in the link below.