Fan-made Port of Enderal Available in Skyrim SE
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim fan community has prepared an unofficial port of the famous Enderal mod to the engine used by Special Edition. Its installation, however, requires some effort.

- A fan port of Enderal mod to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition engine has been created;
- It may contain a few bugs, but we are unlikely to see the project officially ported to the improved version of Skyrim, because the SureAI team lacks the time for that.
In 2016, fans of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim received Enderal - a huge mod for Bethesda's RPG, offering a completely new, diverse land, a campaign lasting more than 30 hours, a number of mechanics not seen in the original, etc. In February, two years ago, the project officially launched on Steam. At that time there were reports that the team at SureAI, responsible for the mod, announced that they would consider releasing a port to the engine used by The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. To this day we haven't seen it and unfortunately we won't, because the creators informed us that they no longer have enough free time to develop their work. However, the community came to the rescue. Fans prepared an unofficial port of Enderal to Special Edition. Link is available below.
Installation of the unofficial Enderal port to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition requires a bit of effort. It takes place in two stages and requires a minimum of 15 GB of free disk space. A list of things needed to make the project work and detailed instructions on how to run it, as well as additional tips on, for example, how to improve the game's visuals, can be found here.
Unfortunately, as this is an unofficial port, there are a few bugs in it. Some players may experience crashing to the desktop, broken models, or tasks not progressing. If you notice such bugs, please report them here. You can also take a look at Q&A at the bottom of the website. It is possible that you will find a way to fix it there.
Despite some imperfections, the fan-made port of Enderal may attract a new audience. Who knows, maybe the renewed surge in popularity of the mod will prompt the SureAI team to make some time and dedicate a few moments to prepare a fully fledged port of their work.