Gamers Cancel Fallout 76 Subscriptions in Response to Cheater Scourge
The Fallout 76 community is outraged by recent developments in the game. For the past few weeks, Bethesda's title has been flooded by cheaters who hinder the gameplay of other players by duplicating items.
- Fallout 76 is plagued by heaters in recent days;
- The cheaters duplicate their items, which further causes a lot of lag and problems for other players trying to join the server;
- In protest, part of the community decided to cancel their Fallout 1st subscription.
Fallout 76 has come a long way - it all started with a disastrous launch due to a lamentable technical condition. Today, it would seem that Bethesda's game is back on its feet, but as it turns out, there are more problems looming on the horizon. For about two weeks now players have been complaining about a wave of cheaters flooding the servers, which many believe makes Fallout 76 unplayable. In protest, fans of exploring the radioactive wasteland are calling for a boycott by unsubscribing Fallout 1st.
The problem surfaced when cheaters found a way to easily duplicate items in their inventory. This in itself is against the principle of fair play, but the difficulties for other players do not end here. The procedure of copying items puts considerable load on the servers, which results in large lags, and even the inability to join the game.. This situation is said to affect both PC and console players.
Players complain about F76's condition on Reddit, among other places. Here is a comment from one of the people who gave up Fallout 1st:
"I spend an embarrassing amount of money on games I really enjoy, and this used to be one of them. I kind of hate how much I’ve spent on this just for it to end this way, but that’s nobody’s fault but mine. Hopefully something changes, but at this rate only the offenders will be left playing this. Either way, good luck to the innocent people pushing through with a glimmer of hope, I’ve lost all mine. Stay safe and good luck."
As reported by another forum user, Bethesda already started the process of banning cheaters using the item copying glitch last week:
"Multiple people have apparantly reported getting an email saying they are temporarily banned pending a fix to the dupe / server crash bug (all of which actually cheated). Last time this happened (display cases), they temp banned accounts until the full fix was applied. They then unbanned all those accounts and wiped them.
So to all those who have spent all week complaining that Bethesda has NEVER banned people and NEVER will ban people, you can now eat crow. They have a track record of doing the right thing and I had very little doubt that they would pull through for us again
And to those that cheat, enjoy starting from scratch. Hope this past week of ruining the game for everyone else while you selfishly gain was worth it."
However, Bethesda still hasn't made an official announcement regarding the wave of cheaters, with more players reporting on the forums that the problem hasn't been resolved. It is possible that in the next few days official steps will be taken if the situation continues to escalate.
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