Factorio Patch 1.1 Fixes All Remaining Bugs
The latest patch fixes 230 bugs and minor issues that were not fixed in the August release.
In August, last year, after four years of Early Access, Factorio, a game developed by the small Czech studio Wube Software, received an update to version 1.0. Despite the constant work, 150 bugs and 80 minor issues reported on the game's forum were still left unresolved. Today's update, marked as 1.1, eliminates them all.
A short message from one of the devs can be found on the game's official blog:
"These were obviously minor issues, things hard to reproduce, or very rare problems. In other words, it was quite reasonably stable, which normally goes without saying when it comes to Factorio stable versions. But it proved to be a mistake wording it this way, since some media picked up on it and presented it as a "fairly bugged release". So I'm pretty thrilled to finally get to the point, where we actually have 0 known issues and 0 active bug reports on the forums. It's like cleaning the kitchen properly, so you can start cooking something fresh."
As you can see, the devs approached the matter very ambitiously and took all the comments that appeared after the release of version 1.0 to heart. In addition to fixing bugs, yesterday's patch also improved existing mechanics. One of them is the ability to flip blueprints. The devs finally bowed to the pressure of requests from the players and introduced this long-awaited novelty. The Czechs have also improved the way of controlling spiders and reduced the time needed to autosave the game.
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