Fable to Offer Forza Horizon's Quality, but Devs Are in No Hurry

The latest Fable is supposed to be the essence of the series. The head of Microsoft Studios declares that we should expect high quality straight out of Forza Horizon 5.

Adam Adamczyk

Source: playground-games | Fable

Fable: Forgotten Tales was hyped as a game that would bring a breath of fresh air to the world of gaming and present revolutionary mechanics. This was assured by Peter Molynuex (that's right). The game did not turn out to be groundbreaking, but it won the approval of many gamers around the world. Unfortunately, over time, the Fable series started a decline in quality, although this is, of course, a subjective matter. We know little about the latest installment, which is being developed by Playground Games, but some light was shed on this title by Matt Booty, head of Microsoft Studios.

"Fans will not be disappointed".

In a short interview, which we can listen to on the Idle Sloth profile on Twitter, Matt Booty talked a bit about the latest Fable. He stated that Playground Games is doing everything best it can, and we can expect the same quality that delighted players in Forza Horizon 5.

While this sounds like a typical advertising formula that encourages for waiting, later in the interview the head of Microsoft Studios said something that might actually please Fable fans. He claims, lovers of the series can rest assured, because the latest installment will contain the essence of Fable and not a reinterpretation. So I'm counting on the next installment of the series to draw me in as much as the first part.

When will the latest Fable be released?

The release date of the latest Fable is not yet known, and it is possible that we will not learn it anytime soon. Some time ago we informed about the fact that Playground Games is having a bit of trouble with the game. In an interview, Juan Fernandez, who worked on Fable for three years, announced that the studio had a number of talented employees, but that their skills at the time did not match the demands of Fable. Another developer tried to reassure the community.

Information on the game is scarce and there are many indications that the studio wants to make sure that their game will present high level of quality before it is shown to the world.



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Adam Adamczyk

Author: Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined GRYOnline.pl, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.

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