Enlisted Open Beta Launches Today
In just a few hours, open beta tests of Enlisted, a F2P network shooter that will enable us to take part in World War II battles, will begin.

- Developer: Darkflow Software
- Publisher: Gaijin Entertainment
- Genre: shooter
- Platforms: PC, PS5, XSX
- Open Beta Launch Schedule: most likely 1 pm GMT
Today marks the start of the open beta tests of Enlisted, a network shooter set in World War II. Along with the start of the beta, the progress in the closed beta tests will be wiped. It's supposed to be the last such event.
The studio responsible for the project, Darkflow Software, did not give a specific time of the start of the open beta. Fans, however, analyzed the expiration dates of packages from closed tests and deduced that the open beta should start today around 1 pm GMT.
Recall that the open tests of Enlisted will take place on both the PC, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5. If you want to take part in the tests on PC, it's worth familiarizing yourself with the system requirements.
Enlisted's closed beta has been going on for several months now. In comparison, the open beta will offer, among others, additional missions, improved AI and changes to the mechanics of troops. In addition, the available campaigns in the game will be enriched with new weapons and vehicles.
The open beta will also bring the debut of the battle pass. It will offer both free and paid reward paths. The developers promise dozens of special challenges at launch, and more are planned.