Enlisted Gets New Vehicles and Weapons in Big Update
The shooter Enlisted has received another update. At the Reichstag Walls enables the players to check out the Berlin campaign and introduces new weapons, vehicles and troops.

Enlisted received another update, titled At the Reichstag Walls. As the name suggests, the main attraction is making the German campaign available to all beta test participants. So far, only people who supported the project in 2016 could check it out, but now everyone can take part in the battle for the Reichstag. At least partially, because without access to the closed beta we do not get the full progression system and have to settle for basic level 1 troops. As a consolation, it's been confirmed that the progress won't be reset after the closed beta test, and the campaign will be available for free then.
What's more, Darkflow Software has introduced new features for the three available campaigns - Battle of Berlin, Invasion of Normandy and Battle of Moscow. Each campaign features new troops, weapons and vehicles, including Gewehr 41 and M1A1 Thompson machine guns, more flamethrowers and T-34-85 (D-5T) and M24 Chaffee tanks. We've also received a new missions (plus additional objectives for the old ones) and a handful of various fixes, both technical (better rendering of volumetric fog) and gameplay-related (e.g. reduced character speed while swimming and a quick chat menu). The full list of changes can be found in the developers' post on Reddit or the game's official website.