Dwarf Fortress - Seeds Explained: What They Do, How to Get More (Steam Edition)
In this article, we will talk about seeds in Dwarf Fortress. You will learn how to get them, where to sow them and what they are used for.

Dwarf Fortress is a game that has been on the gaming market for many years and has gathered thousands of loyal fans. However, an improved version of this production has recently been released which is much more accessible to new players, mainly due to its clarity and better graphics. However, many people who are starting out with the game have various problems. One of the problematic issues is seeds. We will talk more about them in this text.
Dwarf Fortress seeds – What they do
Seeds, as in real life, allow you to grow plants. This is extremely essential, as plants are a very crucial source of food and, more importantly for dwarves, you can make alcohol from them. Therefore, starting to grow them is one of the first things you should decide to do.
You will sow your seeds on the farm plot: build menu (b) - workshops (o) - farming (f) - farm plot (p). Once you have finished building, you will be able to press it and select the type of crop.
It is worth noting that plants are divided into above-ground and underground ones. So not every type of seed will plant anywhere. Keep this in mind when creating plot farms.
Remember that seeds rot easily and attract pests. This creates further problems. It is best to keep them in some sort of container (e.g. barrels) and to have at least one cat.
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Dwarf Fortress – How to get more seeds
You can get more seeds from the traders who will visit your settlement every autumn (if you survive that long). Obviously, you are unlikely to want to wait that long and be reliant on them alone.
Of course, you can also busy yourself collecting wild plants. However, simply gathering them is not enough - you must then process them. You can, for example, make a drink out of them (use Still) or mill them. Alternatively, you can let your miners eat the vegetables raw - this will also allow you to obtain the seeds from them. However, you must not cook them! Cooking will destroy all the seeds.