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News video games 12 June 2024, 01:49

author: Zuzanna Domeradzka

Dragon Age: The Veilguard 20-Minute Gameplay Sheds New Light on Bioware's RPG. Release Date Still Missing

The first long gameplay from Dragon Age: The Veilguard has hit the Internet. The mission in the dark Minratus depicts how fourth part will differ from the other installments.

Source: BioWare

As BioWare announced, the stream of the upcoming Dragon Age: The Veilguard began today. We saw the first gameplay, lasting over 20 minutes, focusing on one of the main missions in the game. Below you can take a look at the discussed material.

Dark Minrathous and the return of old friends

We will encounter the dwarf Varric and his beloved crossbow, Bianca, once more in the Veilguard. One of the first quests during the game will be set in Minrathous, the capital of Tevinter, where the well-known enchanter Dorian Pavus from the Inquisition is located. Lace Harding will join us on our adventures in this part, after only making episodic appearances in the "third installment."

The cradle of Thedas is quite a dark place - it's the first time in the series when we can freely explore and admire it. In Tevinter, magic is present everywhere, while many people on the main continent are skeptical about spell casting and magisters.The search for Solas, also known as the Dread Wolf, who possesses immense power and poses a significant threat to the main characters, begins in Minrathous.

Differences in gameplay compared to previous installments of DA

However, the game will still retain the active pause mechanics present in the series since the first part, which we learned during the stream about The Veilguard. Additionally, we will have the ability to once again issue commands to members of our team (although the new material didn't demonstrate this in action, as this option will be blocked at the beginning of the game).

Nonetheless, there are many differences compared to previous installments of the series and they are clearly visible - The Veilguard really wants to be a typical action game. The title cuts off from some features present in the first three parts, including the zooming out camera or directing all companions.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard 20-Minute Gameplay Sheds New Light on Biowares RPG. Release Date Still Missing - picture #1


Dragon Age: The Veilguard 20-Minute Gameplay Sheds New Light on Biowares RPG. Release Date Still Missing - picture #2


Dragon Age: The Veilguard 20-Minute Gameplay Sheds New Light on Biowares RPG. Release Date Still Missing - picture #3


The Veilguard - some info

BioWare studio shared a few new details about the gameplay, which couldn't be captured in the first gameplay.

  1. In The Veilguard, in addition to the Arlathan and Minrathous forests, we will find, among others: to Rivan or Weisshaupt - the headquarters of the Gray Wardens. We will also revisit Varric's beloved Deep Roads.
  2. Similarly to games like Inquisition, the recruited members of our team have their own individual skill trees. However, a maximum of two characters will be able to accompany us on the quest, so the team of the main character from the fourth installment will be the smallest in the history of the series.
  3. The title will offer 3 playable classes: rogue, warrior, and mage. This state of affairs has been maintained in a cycle since the Origins.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with Matt Buckley's opinion of Dragon Age: The Veilguard (in text below).

  1. Dragon Age: The Veilguard Earns Its New Name: Impressions from Summer Game Fest

Release date

Unfortunately, the presented material doesn't reveal the exact release date of the game. We only know that Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be released this fall on PS5, XSX/S, and PC.

  1. Dragon Age: The Veilguard - official website