Disney Dreamlight Valley - How to Make Bouillabaisse?

There are many appetizing dishes to prepare in Disney Dreamlight Valley. In this guide you will learn how to make Bouillabaisse.

Adam Adamczyk


Source: Steam | Disney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Dreamlight Valley is becoming increasingly popular, despite being in early access. In the game we will encounter many interesting characters from the Disney and Pixar universes, we will be able to befriend them and perform various tasks for them. The game will also feature interesting mechanics, including the ability to cook. In this guide you will learn how to cook a Bouillabaisse.

Cooking in Disney Dreamlight Valley

The ability to prepare food is unlocked after you get possession of a stove. It can be obtained in three ways:

  1. by helping to open a store owned by Scrooge McDuck, and then buying a stove there,
  2. by completing the "Foodception" task for Mickey Mouse and receiving a stove for free,
  3. crafting the stove yourself.

The most work needs to be put into completing the "Foodception" task, which is very easy to complete anyway.

  1. After completing the "Mickey's Memories" task, talk to Mickey Mouse to get a cracker recipe and some wheat seeds.
  2. Plant 3 wheat seeds and learn the cracker recipe.
  3. Water what you planted and talk to Mickey again, who will ask you to harvest the crop. After that, you should go to your house. Then you will receive the stove.

How to prepare Bouillabaisse?

Disney Dreamlight Valley - How to Make Bouillabaisse? - picture #1
Five-star Bouillabaisse

Bouillabaisse is a fish soup popular on the Mediterranean coast. To prepare it, we will need:

  1. A shrimp - can be caught at Dazzle Beach,
  2. A tomato - available at Goofy's stall in Dazzle Beach,
  3. two pieces of any seafood - available along the coast of Dazzle Beach,
  4. any vegetable.

To prepare Bouillabaisse you only need a shrimp and a tomato. You can use two pieces of any seafood and any vegetable to make the recipe. However, the proportions should be kept in mind. There should be five ingredients in the dish. To prepare the five-star dish used shrimp, two clams, a tomato and carrots.

Bouillabaisse is the dish you need to prepare for Goofy in the "Dinner With A Friend" task. With this guide, you now know not only how to make the dish, but also where to find the ingredients.

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Adam Adamczyk

Author: Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined GRYOnline.pl, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.

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