Subsequent Diablo 4 Seasons May Drop Requirement for New Characters

It is possible that players will not have to create a completely new character for each successive season of Diablo IV. The cure for this is supposed to be a certain feature from the third game.

Kamil Kleszyk

Source: Blizzard Entertainemnt

One of the more annoying requirements in Diablo seasons is the need to start each one almost from scratch. This procedure has also been widely commented on with regard to the upcoming seasons in Diablo 4. Newcomers to the world of Sanctuary, in particular, complained that they would have to start the game from scratch, abandoning the character they had managed to get used to for three months of play.

A solution to this problem (at least partial) already existed in Diablo III. We're talking, of course, about the Rebirth feature, which enables you to move an existing character to a new season, but all its skills are reset.

Interestingly, Blizzard is looking closely at this option with regard to Diablo 4. This is evidenced by the recent message that the global director of community affairs Adam Fletcher published on Diablo's Twitter. When asked by a user whether D4 will have this feature, he replied that the game does not yet have it. With the key word here being "yet".

Subsequent Diablo 4 Seasons May Drop Requirement for New Characters - picture #1
Source: Twitter, @PezRadar.

For now, the only things we will be able to keep in future seasons Diablo IV, are the completed campaign, discovered areas and progress in Altars of Lilith. Everything else will be reset. It remains to be hoped that Blizzard will actually make some steps towards implementing Rebirth into the latest installment.

Another update is coming

Let's add that Blizzard is preparing another update - it will hit the hands of Diablo IV community on July 18. According to information provided by Fletcher on the title's subreddit, the patch will most likely fix excessive RAM consumption.

Finally, let's recall that the first season of Diablo IV will launch on July 20.

Diablo IV

June 6, 2023

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Kamil Kleszyk

Author: Kamil Kleszyk

At deals with various jobs. So you can expect from him both news about the farming simulator and a text about the impact of Johnny Depp's trial on the future of Pirates of the Caribbean. Introvert by vocation. Since childhood, he felt a closer connection to humanities than to exact sciences. When after years of learning came a time of stagnation, he preferred to call it his "search for a life purpose." In the end, he decided to fight for a better future, which led him to the place where he is today.

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