Developers Fix Khvostov Destiny 2 (D2) Bug, But Koftiks Is Persistent
If you have issues with getting exotic version of Khvostov, Bungie released the patch supposedly fixing the bug. However, if you still can't obtain it, you are not alone. Here you will learn more about the current situation.

Bungie is a well-known studio with a history of developing great sci-fi FPS titles. They have conceived the Halo series, which is a hugely popular franchise. After they parted ways with Microsoft, they gave us also successful Destiny. It’s been almost 10 years since the release of the latter and currently we can enjoy the sequel – Destiny 2, which is still alive thanks to content expansions. The latest one, entitled The Final Shape, allows us to take possession of iconic Khvostov rifle that was a starting weapon in the first production in the series. However, obtaining its exotic form poses problems for many players as it appears to be bugged. Since then, Bungie released a patch fixing the issue, though many fans still have problems with acquiring it. Let’s get deeper into the rabbit hole, shall we?
Issues with unlocking exotic Khvostov in Destiny 2
In many players’ hearts, Khvostov has a special place since it was the first gun they wielded when the whole Destiny journey started. Unlocking it in Destiny 2 is quite a feat, and getting exotic version is a whole another story. Its main difficulty, however, comes down to a bug that prevents fans from getting Mote of Primordial Light that allows for opening a chest with the desired variant of the weapon.
In the recently released update, the exotic Khvostov glitch was not mentioned to dismay of many. This matter was not unnoticed by Bungie, as in a separate message on Twitter, they informed that they have fixed the problem with getting the final Mote of Light from bugged Taken Servitor boss, Koftiks, tenderly called the Meatball by the community.
Unfortunately, a lot of Guardians are still experiencing the issue, even after the patch was implemented. There are some voices of players though, that after killing the problematic enemy a few times, they eventually received the final mote, yet many of the affected people are not so lucky.
This is definitely not the intended experience that the studio has envisioned for this expansion. It can be a result of the difficult situation that Bungie is currently in. Let’s hope that amidst the mass developers’ layoffs that happened throughout the year, the creators of Destiny will persevere.