Demon's Souls Remake for PS4 Found in PlayStation Database
The PlayStation Game Size account has made an interesting discovery. The PlayStation database contains the ID of the refreshed version of Demon's Souls for PlayStation 4.
From Software fans are undoubtedly awaiting more information about Elden Ring after the game was shown at E3 2021. However, the latest leak concerns another older game from the Japanese developer (or rather its remaster). PlayStation Game Size account on Twitter reports that the ID of the new Demon's Souls version aimed at PlayStation 4 in the PlayStation Network database. The user stressed that this is not a long-present code that refers to the digital artbook available on the platform.
Before PS4 owners open the champagne, however, it should be noted that this in no way confirms the release of Demon' Souls in new clothes on this console. PlayStation Game Size doesn't know exactly when the ID was added - only that it happened after the launch of PlayStation 5. In addition, the ID code does not necessarily refer to the upcoming product. It could just as well be a deleted project or an early version of a game (which was probably pre-designed for PS4, before the developers were given access to the PS5 devkits).
Of course, these "minor" doubts do not discourage fans, because they have long been looking for possible confirmation of the release of Demon's Souls on PC and other consoles. As a reminder - such information appeared in the first version of the gameplay show from September. Sony Interactive Entertainment quickly replaced it with corrected footage, but not everyone believes the publisher's claims of "human error" (at least not in the context provided by the company).
This hope is further fueled by the fact that SIE has recently not only been increasingly vocal about releasing its games on other platforms, but has actually released a couple of them on PC. That's how we got Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone, and there are also rumors of titles like Bloodborne, God of War and Ghost of Tsushima. Nevertheless, we emphasize - these are all rumors and unconfirmed information. So it's better to refrain from celebrating until the possible confirmation by Sony.
- Demon's Souls - official website
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More:PS5 Remake of Demon's Souls Could Still be Hiding Secrets