Coop multiplayer and solo mode in Hyper Light Breaker (HLB) explained
Trailers of Hyper Light Breaker indicate that it will be a great game for coop experience. Here you will learn how single player and multiplayer work in HLB.

It’s only natural to expect that sequels will be better, more polished versions of their predecessors. While Hyper Light Drifter was a 2D experience crafted mostly for solo players with primitive shared-screen coop, Hyper Light Breaker is supposed to take it to another level. Not only is it thrown into a 3D world, but also the game is more suited for the full-fledged multiplayer journey. With the Early Access debut of HLB, let’s take a moment to analyze how the title is crafted in terms of sharing the fun with others.
Multiplayer, single player, and coop in Hyper Light Breaker explained
It’s always great to have options. There are people who prefer solo exploration in full concentration mode, while others take it more lightly, playing just as a pretext to engage in deep, long conversations with their friends and close ones. In Hyper Light Breaker both of those types will find something for themselves, as the title is prepared for fans of both, solo adventures, as well as multiplayer, coop enjoyers.
Just as the first production in the series, HLB will allow for a lonely journey through the world of the Overgrowth, yet it is also possible to cooperate with up to 2 more players. You can start multiplayer by talking with a robot in the Cursed Outpost hub (next to Pherus Bit).
As of now, Steam page shows only “Single-player” and “Online Co-op” labels, meaning that no PvP is planned. We have to keep in mind, though, that the game was released in Early Access, which means that many features and ideas are subject to change.
If you would like to give coop a try, yet you have no one to share this experience with, getting on Heart Machine’s official discord server is a great idea. There you will find other people sharing the same passion for Hyper Light’s universe. Have fun!