Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you

If you want to learn Kerbal Space Program 2 Controls, you are in the right place. We have a complete list for you.

Damian Gacek

Early Access of Kerbal Space Program 2 launched few days ago. It is a continuation of very popular game about being a head of an organization similar to NASA. You have to lead Kerbals, aliens who are very similar to people. However, they are sillier and tougher than humans. KSP 2 has many useful controls, to help you achieve the goal. In this guide we present them all.

Controls in KSP 2 – Flight

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #1Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #2

Pitch (forward and backwards)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #3Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #4

Yaw (left and right)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #5Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #6

Roll (left and right)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #7Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #8

Translate X (left and right using RCS)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #9Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #10

Translate Y (up and down using RCS)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #11Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #12

Translate Z (forward and backward using RCS)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #13

Toggle docking controls (Toggle the swapping of translation and rotation controls, useful for docking)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #14

Toggle precision controls (toggle keyboard sensitivity to perform precision movements)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #15

Trim modifier (left alt; while held, movement controls will apply trim, constantly applying that movement)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #16Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #17

Throttle Delta (left control and left shift; throttle up and down)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #18

Max throttle

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #19

Cut throttle

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #20

Activate next stage

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #21

Toggle SAS (Stability Assist System)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #22

Toggle RCS (Reaction Control System)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #23

Toggle Landing Gear

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #24

Engage Brakes (while held, engage the Brakes Action Group)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #25

Toggle Lights

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #26Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #27

Trigger Action group 1…10 (keys 1-0, trigger Custom Action Groups 1-10)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #28

Toggle map view

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #29

Focus next vessel

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #30

Focus previous vessel

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #31

Flight camera mode (cycle through various flight cameras)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #32

Camera fine movement (toggle mouse sensitivity to perform precision movements)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #33

Toggle flight HUD

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #34

Toggle mouse look

Controls in KSP 2 – Global

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #35


Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #36

Load quicksave (press or hold)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #37

Increase time warp

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #38

Decrease time warp

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #39

Stop time warp

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #40

Toggle pause menu

Controls in KSP 2 – EVA

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #41Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #42

Walk forward / backward

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #43Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #44

Walk left / right

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #45Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #46

Strafe left / right

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #47Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #48

Translate up / down (while EVA jetpack is enabled; left control and left shift)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #49Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #50

Rotate Yaw left and right (while EVA jetpack is enabled)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #51Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #52

Center camera in VAB (pitch forward and backward while EVA jetpack is enabled)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #53Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #54

Rotate roll (roll left and right while EVA jetpack is enabled)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #55

Run (left shift)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #56


Controls in Kerbal Space Program 2 – OAB

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #57Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #58

Delete Assembly (delete selected part)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #59

Cycle symmetry mode forward

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #60Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #61

Cycle symmetry mode backward (left shift)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #62

Toggle angle snap

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #63

Disable stock attachment (hold)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #64

Reset part orientation

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #65

Center camera in VAB ([HOME] key; reset it to default position and orientation)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #66

Fast scroll modifier

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #67Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #68

Copy selected assembly

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #69Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #70

Search parts

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #71Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #72

Paste copied assembly

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #73Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #74

Undo (left control)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #75Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #76

Redo (left control)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #77

Camera fast modifier (left shift and right shift)

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #78Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #79

Rotate pitch

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #80Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #81

Rotate Yaw

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #82Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #83

Rotate roll

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #84

Toggle frame of reference

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #85Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #86

Select all primary assembly

Controls in Kerbal Space Program 2 – MAPVIEW

Controls in KSP 2; We will guide you - picture #87

Reset camera ([HOME] key)

Kerbal Space Program 2

February 24, 2023

PC PlayStation Xbox
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Damian Gacek

Author: Damian Gacek

Graduate of English Philology and English in Public Communication. His portfolio includes a scientific article on video game translation. Working with since 2019, writing for various departments. Currently, deals with guides and occasionally supports the newsroom. Interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. Loves RPGs and strategies, often also immersing himself in the depths of indie games. In his free time, works on a book and learns film editing.

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