Cities: Skylines is getting new means of transport in the Mass Transit DLC
Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit is the next paid expansion for the popular city-builder from Paradox Interactive and Colossal Order. This one will focus on traffic.
Paradox Interactive has announced another expansion for Colossal Order’s popular city-builder Cities: Skylines. This one, called Mass Transit, is going to introduce new means of transportation for your citizens to move around on the land, sea and in the air, such as ferries, blimps, cable cars, monorails, etc. Along with these come new transit service buildings, mass transit hubs, road types, landmarks, and additional scenarios, in which you’ll have to solve traffic problems like a pro. Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit doesn’t have a release date yet, but it’s “coming soon”. Take a look at the reveal trailer:
As it was in the case of the previous three expansion packs – Snowfall, After Dark, and Natural Disasters – Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit will come with a free update for all players. The patch will include some new mod-inspired features to traffic management, like an extended public transport budget or emergency vehicle overtaking as well as the option to name roads. The add-on itself will obviously be paid.