Cities: Skylines Bids Farewell With Holiday DLC; Trailer Available
Paradox Interactive has shared a trailer for the latest DLC for Cities: Skylines. Hotels and Retreats will enable the players to build tourist resorts. When will it be released?

This year, the market expects to see the debut of the long-awaited Cities: Skylines II. The release of the new installment of the city builder series means that developers from Colossal Order are slowly ending support for the first part. Before that happens, however, the developers will release one more major expansion (not counting minor novelties and DLCs).
Hotels and Retreats - because that's the DLC's title - will launch on May 23. As the name suggests, the expansion will introduce to Cities: Skylines the ability to build hotels and retreat centers to boost the economy of our cities. From the press release we learn that we will start the game by building a small network of hotels, and over time we will unlock more specialized facilities.
The developers have also released a trailer, available below.
As Paradox continues its Cities: Skylines World Tour, it will introduce three more developer packs to the game as part of the campaign - these, too, will be available starting May 23.. Details can be found on Steam in the linked announcement.