Cities: Skylines Expecting Major Free Update
Cities: Skylines will receive a free update called Hubs & Transport tomorrow. Among other things, it will introduce new transportation hubs.

Last week Colossal Order revealed plans for the final months of development of Cities: Skylines. The announcement focused on upcoming DLCs. As it turns out, this is not the only additional content heading to the title. Tomorrow, owners of the game will receive a free update called Hubs & Transport.
Information about the patch had already appeared when the roadmap wa announced last month. However, it was just a simple slogan placed on the infographic. Only now the developers have decided to provide some details of the update.
As the name suggests, Hubs & Transport will add a number of public transportation and traffic-related elements to the game - among them, new transportation hubs. A total of 9 buildings of this type have been prepared. Two of them will be available to owners of the base game. The others will be available to buyers of the DLCs Snowfall and Mass Transit.
The update will also introduce 15 entirely new road variants. Three of them will be available in the base game. The rest are for owners of the aforementioned DLCs.
There will also be new public transport vehicles. Owners of the base game can count on additional models of trains and subways. Mass Transit owners, on the other hand, will receive more variants of monorails and ferries. Interestingly, if you have purchased the Natural Disasters DLC, the game will also include an evacuation bus.