Cities: Skylines - After Dark Expansion Revealed at Gamescom
Cities: Skylines is getting its first big expansion. After Dark will introduce day and night cycle and lots of new content focused on nightlife activities and public transportation.

As promised, Paradox Interactive reavealed at gamescom the first big expansion to Cities: Skylines. After Dark will introduce day and night cycle to this year’s edition of the popular economic strategy franchise. At night our citizens will behave differently, traffic will be slower, etc. Interestingly, this feature is not going to be exlusive for owners of the add-on and will come as a free update for all players.
Those who do buy After Dark, however, can count on lots of new content. This includes leisure specialization of commercial areas as well as beach activities and building such as bars and restaurants. Apart from leisure-time activities for citizens, the city itself gets a share of new stuff. Among others these are expanded city services, like prison, taxi service, cargo hubs, international airport, and bus terminal. On top of that there are bikes and bike ways, as well as bus lanes in order to speed up the public transportation.
Cities: Skylines - After Dark release date and platforms are yet to be announced.