Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Announced
PlayWay revealed its publishing plans for 2021. Among the presented games we see a new installment of the Car Mechanic Simulator series.

PlayWay is definitely not one of those publishers who are content with releasing only a few productions in one year at most. Just take a look at the material recently published by the Polish company, in which its upcoming titles were presented. Among them was the as yet unannounced Car Mechanic Simulator 2021, the next installment in one of PlayWay's flagship series. A short, barely 20-second long gameplay footage and a basically empty thread on Steam do not give us much to say much about the changes prepared by the developers, but it gives us an idea how this year's installment will look like. You can watch the footage below.
In addition to showing this surprise, PlayWay reminded us about a dozen other games from its catalog. This includes simulators of, e.g. junkyard worker, a bum, contraband police and prepper, a strategy game inspired by Pharaoh and two unambiguous positions: Lust from Beyond and Succubus. We were also reminded about the upcoming expansion for House Flipper, which will introduce luxury goods to the game. As you can see, fans of the publisher should prepare themselves for a lot of attractions. Provided, of course, that all these titles will actually debut this year.