Call of Duty Vanguard on PS5 Will Let Us Feel Differences Between Weapons
One of the creators of Call of Duty: Vanguard has revealed how the game will use the DualSense's features. The controller will enable us to feel the differences between the triggers of various weapons and feel the surrounding explosions on our own skin.
- CoD: Vanguard dev revealed how the DualSense controller will be used in the game;
- Thanks to it we can feel the weight of the weapon and resistance of individual triggers;
- The gamepad will also enable us to feel the surrounding explosions on our own skin.
The release of Call of Duty: Vanguard is approaching, so the developers are sharing more details that should encourage fans to buy the game. This time one of the developers touched on the use of DualSense in the game. According to Chris Fowler's article on the PlayStation blog, it will greatly affect the gameplay experience.
The developer revealed that the goal of the team working on using the technology from the PS5 controller was to replicate the actual trigger pressure of individual weapons. As a result, we'll experience different trigger pressures when firing shotguns, rifles and pistols. This enables us to determine our favourite weapon based not only on recoil or damage output, but also on these other, lesser factors.
This is not the only trick that the developers have prepared. DualSense also takes the weapon's weight into account. When aiming, the trigger responsible for it will also put up some resistance. It will be greater in the case of machine guns or shotguns, and less in the case of pistols.
In addition, DualSense reacts to flying debris, gunfire and nearby explosions. This will increase the level of immersion in both the single player campaign and multiplayer modes.
On the occasion of the upcoming release, PlayStation blog also published an article about the four operators, which we will control in the game (Russian Polina Petrova, nisei (American of Japanese origin) Daniel, Indian nurse-gone-fighter Padmavati and British commando Arthur Kingsley). Each of the characters received a special video, presenting their character and preferred style of play.
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