Blasphemous 2 - How to Get Remembrance of the Confessor
In Blasphemous 2 you can get the Remembrance of the Confessor. However, this requires you to perform some very specific actions. In this guide you will learn what exactly needs to be done.

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Blasphemous 2 is a two-dimensional platform game, which is distinguished by its high level of difficulty. During the game you will find all sorts of items. However, some of them are well hidden. One such item is the Remembrance of the Confessor. In this guide you will learn how to get it.
How to get Remembrance of the Confessor in Blasphemous 2
The way to get Remembrance of the Confessor is quite obscure. This is because you have to regularly go to the Cathedral and confess your sins to a character named Confessor. When you do this enough times, the building will change its appearance. In turn, the confessor will be replaced by another NPC. In order to get the item you're looking for, you'll have to talk to him.
If you do not get the Remembrance of the Confessor, it will mean that you should continue playing and unlock the main part of the game. The surest way then is to wait until the end of Blasphemous 2. Then return to the Cathedral Ruins and talk to the mysterious character again.
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What are Remembrances in Blasphemous 2?
Remembrances are a kind of mementos of different people. In total, you will find six such items in the game. You can get them by performing certain activities. Finding them is especially important for those who want to get 100% of achievements. This is because handing over all of them to Sculptor will unlock The Work of A Master trophy.