Big Ambitions - How to Turn on Music in the Store
Do you want to listen to music in Big Ambitions? If you want to have some songs in your store, you are in a good place.

Big Ambitions is a new game about making money. To do that you have to start new businesses, hire workers and take care of supplies. However, you must also make sure that your clients are happy. One of the factors that influences this is music. In this article we will tell you how to bring some rhythm to your store.
Big Ambitions – Music
There are a few songs in Big Ambitions. You can select them on your phone. Nevertheless, this option works only if there is some kind of source of music – for example a radio in a car. Your smartphone alone is not enough. This is also the case with stores.
Big Ambitions – Music in the store
If you want to listen to music in your store, or you wish your clients to listen to it, you must buy loudspeakers and put them in your shop. They will automatically play some songs.
You can get a loudspeaker in the Furniture Store. It is easy to find one. Enter your map and turn on the visibility option (right side of the screen). The building will glow blue, it is close to the docks. What is more, you can click the shop and track it, thanks to it, you will not have to look at the map.
The shop is quite big. To make your work easier, you can order the loudspeaker. Talk to the Store Manager (a person who sits behind a big desk), you can find him/her in a room near the entrance. Ordering will cost you some money, but at the same time you can do bigger shopping and everything will be delivered in front of a given address.
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