Battlefield 3 Enters New Era of Modding With Venice Unleashed
The Venice Unleashed project for Battlefield 3 just went live, allowing for setting up of private servers, as well as creation and installation of extensive mods.

- Possibility of setting up fully configurable private servers,
- Additional settings in the game,
- Modding tools allowing for, among other things, creation of new modes and maps.
After years of work, the Venice Unleashed project was released, a fan-developed modding platform for Battlefield 3. It opens up many new possibilities for fans of this FPS and its creators hope that it will lead to a renaissance of this game.
First of all, thanks to Venice Unleashed, players can set up dedicated servers on their PCs, freely configuring their settings, e.g. by including an expanded spectator mode or setting the tickrate to 60 or 120 MHz. It is also possible to change many game options that are not available in the official menu, e.g. disabling the blue graphic filter.
The project greatly enhances Battlefield 3's modding potential. Players can load their own scripts, change the interface and add new elements, including additional modes and maps . This is facilitated by an editor called Rime. The tools are being used to develop BF3 Reality Mod, a mod to provide a realistic gameplay, in the vein of Project Reality.
To start playing with the modding platform, we'll need the full version of Battlefield 3 that we activated on Origin and launched at least once. Then just download Venice Unleashed's installer.
Importantly, the platform uses its own network infrastructure, independent of the official Electronic Arts and DICE solutions. This means we can play with mods without worrying about getting banned on Origin.