Audio Issues in Frostpunk 2, Sound Crackling and Lagging Bug Explained
More and more players report various audio issues in Frostpunk 2. It seems that sound is crackling for many.

Frostpunk 2 will be released in a few hours. However, players who have preordered the title can play already. Thanks to them, we know that the game has some technical problems like crashes, performance issues and save file failures. It seems that to the list we can add sound crackling.
Audio Issues in Frostpunk 2, Sound Crackling and Lagging Explained
More and more players report sound crackling in Frostpunk 2. It is an interesting bug, as it does not manifest from the beginning. It seems that the problem starts and gets worse with the size of the city. The bigger it is, the issue is more and more troublesome. Especially during some events like a storm.
A probable source of the problem is the number of districts. As each of them has their own soundscape, they mix with each other causing crackling. At least this is a working theory of some players, but it is quite likely. So, what you can do to fix it?
At this point nothing. It is something, which can be resolved by developers. You can only help focusing their attention on the problem. How to do that? There is an instruction on Steam, which will guide you how to prepare a message about your issues and where to send it.
If you have gameplay-related troubles, you should definitely visit our Frostpunk 2 guide. We have prepared a lot of useful information and even a walkthrough. So, you will not feel lost or overwhelmed, as the game can be difficult.
More:Frostpunk 2 Guide