All about Neighbors Suburban Warfare console release. PS5, PS4, Xbox, Switch ports explained

Neighbors Suburban Warfare is an interesting take on FPS genre. If you would like to see it on your PS5, PS4, Xbox, or Switch, here you will learn what are the chances of such a port happening.

Aleksander Kartasinski

Source: Neighbors: Suburban Warfare, Developer: Invisible Walls

First Person Shooter is a wide term in the world of virtual entertainment, open to many themes. This type of games can range from serious, military titles like Call of Duty, Battlefield or Counter Strike through a bit lighter hero shooters e.g. Overwatch or RPG looter shooters like Borderlands, to completely silly for instance Cheaters Cheetah (and many more). A new title will join soon to the last of the aforementioned groups – Neighbors Suburban Warfare. If you are tired of military or sci-fi atmosphere, but still love shooters, NSW should be something just for you. As the game will be entering Early Access on Steam soon, many eager fans wonder what about ports to their favorite consoles like PS5, PS4, Xbox and Switch. Here we’ll try to uncover what we can expect from the developers in that regard.

Neighbors Suburban Warfare – PS5, PS4, Xbox and Switch release explained

It is a great feeling to find a title that is just up your alley. Sometimes the most unexpected games can shape our tastes and give us a moment of relaxation after a hard day at school or work. There is a chance that Neighbors Suburban Warfare will be one of such productions. However, many would like to enjoy it on their coach with gamepads in their hands thanks to consoles like PS5, PS4, Xbox or Switch. Will it ever be available on those devices, though?

There are such plans. The developers from Invisible Walls studio have shared on their official Discord server that eventually they would like to release the title on “all the consoles”. They have not specified what devices those will be, however. Judging by the system requirements that are visible on NSWs Steam Store page, we can see that it does not need the most powerful machines, and even a decade old PC should have no problem with running the game. This means that it should not pose any problems with even previous generations of consoles like Xbox One, PlayStation 4 or Switch, yet it all depends on the creators, whether they would like to port their game to those.

There is one more matter to address – not only “if”, but also “when”. Sadly, nothing is known about the potential release date of console ports. The game has not even been released in Early Access on Steam, and to consider a successful conversion, it should be fully finished first. We can expect that it will happen after the EA period, which is believed to take at least a year, according to the note included on production’s store page on Valve’s platform. We have to keep in mind that this is only an estimate, and games in Early Access have a tendency to prolong their stay in this program, so take that into account.

Of course, if you would like the developers to prioritize this task above all else, you can voice your opinion on their official Discord server mentioned above. They are very active there and will be happy to hear what’s important for you. Good luck!

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Aleksander Kartasinski

Author: Aleksander Kartasinski

Just a random from the depths of the internet who happens to be interested in video games like millions of other people on this planet. By sheer luck he was given a chance to write about them. Worked in IT department and supported users for way too long, but also given a chance to do some IT magic on a large scale in his free time. Interested in technology, games with intriguing mechanics, etymology, and linguistics.