Visari Square | Walkthrough Killzone 2 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Number of suitcases: 2
Number of Helghast symbols: 5
Prefect's Office
Additional missions:
Meet Alpha team
Rico and Natko went to check the destroyed Intruder. The tower at Visaris Square is neutralised. Help's on its way. While Garza sets off to meet with Narville, you must help the ISA soldiers get to Rico and Natko. Jump down to the street through the holes in the roof and eliminate the enemies while hiding behind the transporters. After you pass by the freezer you have to look out, as Helghasts will shoot at you from the destroyed roof ahead.
Malik Back Alleys
Additional missions:
Meet Alpha team
The back alley behind the prefect's office leads to the Intruder's crash site. After defeating some enemies, go to the next level. The road is blocked by some destroyed electrical installation, so you have to destroy it even more. Shoot the generator on the left side of the door and continue forward.
Ostoja End
Additional missions:
Meet Alpha team
Rico and Natko are under fire near the Intruder's crash site. You have to reach them before it's too late. You will have to face a dangerous group of enemy soldiers. Try not to stay in one place for too long as they can throw grenades pretty well. After the fight find a ladder and go down to the street.
Union Storage Yard
Additional missions:
Kill all foes
You finally reach Rico and Natko. You will see them jumping behind some bags with sand. Don't go to them, but move to the left side of the square and hide next to the door through which you entered. You will have a great shooting spot, as the Helghast counterattack will begin soon. There's also a weapon depot in which you will find the M244 - A1. Kill the four enemies coming out of the alley. When you will hear engines, run to the terrace on the upper level. After a while a transporter with soldiers will arrive. You can kill some of them while they still are in the vehicle and throw grenades at the rest. Unfortunately it requires some precision for them not to fall down.
The third wave will come out of the hole on your right. They shouldn't pose too much of a threat. The last attack will begin once a transporter breaks through the wall. Shoot the Helghasts from the upper level and don't hesitate from using grenades. After eliminating all of them get down and go through the door that your squad mates opened.
The Square
Additional missions:
Secure the Visari Square
Tem Alpha reaches the Visari Square just in time for the ISA assault. While in cover, shoot the Helghasts defending the posts and prepare for the counterattack which will soon start. You can use one of the stationary guns, or get up the building in the centre of the fortifications. There you will find a sniper rifle.
After two waves from the front, the third one will be from behind. Find yourself a spot behind one of the covers on the left side and greet the enemy soldiers with some bullets. After you eliminate them, the hardest part will begin. From the city's side a group of Helghasts, including two heavy armoured will show up. Quickly run to one of the stationary guns and try to hit the armoured enemy. After that, shoot at the container on his back. If you manage to kill him, try to kill the second one who's attacking from the other side.