The fourth installment in the hit game series by Microprose, depicting the conflict between humanity and a hostile alien race. Unlike the previous installments, X-COM: Interceptor is not a classic strategy game, but a combination of its predecessors and a space simulation game. Once again, you are in charge of the eponymous X-COM organization and manage your base through gaining funds, constructing new buildings, or developing its technology.
Average score from 32 votes.
X-COM Interceptor Description
X-COM: Interceptor for PC is the fourth game in the Microprose game series, which started with the famous UFO: Enemy Unknown and focuses on the conflict between humanity and a hostile alien race.
Interceptor does not have a plot as complex as its predecessors, but features elements known from popular space shooter games. Once again, you are in charge of the base of the organization, whose tasks is to fight the space invaders. You have to construct new buildings, gather funds and manage the technological development of the base. The main difference between Interceptor and the previous games in the series is the necessity of participating in space battles, in which you pilot one of your ships. This system completely replaced the turn-based combat known from the earlier installments.
Interceptor is the first game in the series to feature a multiplayer mode. One match can involve from two to eight players. In the singleplayer mode, you have three types of missions to complete. Exploring the locations, in which enemy ships have been detected, and also deploying controlled attacks in appointed places is essential to complete the game. The third mission type involves non-essential missions, which may only improve your final score. You also have to care for other members of your squadron, need to hire new pilots, prepare extra fighters and make sure their weapons are as deadly as possible. The technological development is largely based on alien constructions. Having captured an enemy ship, you can get additional bonuses. The ships can only be controlled with a mouse, a keyboard, or an analog controller. The flight mode is simplified and not as realistic as the ones found in e.g. X-Beyond the Frontier.
Technical aspects
The visuals are quite neat; the game supports 3D accelerators, but they're not necessary for it to run properly.
Last updated on September 27, 2016
in XCOM Game Series
Game Series
XCOM Series
Maintained in science-fiction reality series of tactical strategies. The brand was created by Mythos Games and MicroProse studios. Currently it is the intellectual property of Take-Two Interactive and is developed by subordinate development teams (including Firaxis Games, 2K Marin and Irrational Games).
14 video games
X-COM Interceptor Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: MicroProse
Publisher: MicroProse
X-COM Interceptor System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: CPU AMD/Intel 233MHz, 16MB RAM, graphic card, 8MB hdd, Windows 95/98