The third installment of the popular series of turn based games created by Microprose. In X-COM: Apocalypse, we assume the role of the commander of X-COM, an organization created to defend Earth against the alien invaders. The base gameplay is exactly the same as in the previous installments of the series. During the game, we build and develop bases, research new technologies, as well as employ and equip our soldiers.
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X-COM: Apocalypse Description
X-COM: Apocalypse for PC is a next installment of the popular strategy game series from MicroProse, including X-COM: Terror from the Deep and UFO: Enemy Unknown. The game follows the theme of its predecessors, but at the same time it’s full of changes and updates. The theatre of operations has changed – we leave Earth to operate in a large metropolis called Mega-Prime. Special independent organizations have appeared which can rent various buildings in town and conduct actions that often work against us. A good example is Cult of Sirius, which recognizes aliens as gods.
When it comes to combat and tactical plays, everything works the same as in the predecessor, we are still hunting flying saucers and send combat units that have to clear out the areas controlled by the aliens, gather the remains of their technology, and deliver the finds into the hands of our scientists, who will research them quickly, and adapt them to our needs. As always, we manage the whole X-COM organization, employ adequate personnel, agents, soldiers, etc. control the development of our technologies, and equip our bases and units with appropriate equipment.
An interesting addition is the relation system with individual social groups and organizations. For example, if our soldiers cause a lot of material losses during one of the actions, later the companies and people who inhabit the destroyed buildings will have a negative attitude towards our organization. The list of highlights is complemented by improved visuals.
Last updated on September 26, 2016
in XCOM Game Series
Game Series
XCOM Series
Maintained in science-fiction reality series of tactical strategies. The brand was created by Mythos Games and MicroProse studios. Currently it is the intellectual property of Take-Two Interactive and is developed by subordinate development teams (including Firaxis Games, 2K Marin and Irrational Games).
14 video games
X-COM: Apocalypse Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Mythos Games
Publisher: MicroProse
X-COM: Apocalypse System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: PC486DX2 66MHz, 8MB RAM