Wu-Tang: Taste the Pain

Wu-Tang: Taste the Pain


Release Date: November 30, 1999

Fighting, splitscreen, multiplayer, singleplayer

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A three-dimensional fight that can be played simultaneously by up to four players. The production takes advantage of the image of the popular music group Wu-Tang, whose members appear as playable characters. In addition to the fun options typical of this genre for many people, the title has a powerful feature mode.

Wu-Tang: Taste the Pain (also known as Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style) is a 3D fighting game released on PS1, in which up to four players can fight simultaneously. The game uses the image and music of the popular rap group Wu-Tang Clan.


Wu-Tang: Taste the Pain tells the story of the adepts of wu-tang, an ancient kung-fu variety. Their master is kidnapped by an evil warrior, Mong Zhu, who wants to learn the secrets of the wu-tang style. The adepts set off on a chase, which will take them from North America directly to the heart of China.

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Last updated on February 12, 2020

Wu-Tang: Taste the Pain Summary


PlayStation 1

PlayStation 1

Age restrictions: 18+