An unconventional 2D platformer of the run&gun type, designed by an independent Cecly studio. A distant planet is struggling with an invasion of macular aliens from space. The inhabitants' only hope of salvation is the lonely hero and his faithful replicas. There are often several dozen characters under the player's control, and the control system is limited to a single button.
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Too Many Me Description
Too mana me is the debut work of the independent studio Cecly (formerly Chmyke). The developers' ambition was to create a 2D platformer that would go beyond the usual genre patterns.
The action of the title takes place on a distant planet, which was attacked by aliens from space. The last chance for the inhabitants turns out to be a hero who is able to use replication technology and, together with his clones, can face the invaders and numerous traps on his way.
The game offers 50 levels of varying degrees of difficulty. The player's goal is to lead the hero and his clones to the blue portal at the end of each board. The task is complicated by numerous obstacles, traps and enemies. The score achieved depends on the time spent, the number of stars collected along the way and the number of replicants that have survived.
Too mana me is distinguished by an unusual solution, which is the ability to clone characters when passing through special portals. As a result, the player often controls up to several dozen characters at the same time. The control system is limited to the 'jump' button only. This often results in the need to choose between winning another star or losing subordinate parts.
Too mana's visual setting is almost minimalist in nature. Locations are characterised by a small, very limited colour range. The intense background colours contrast sharply with the black elements of the boards. From the technical point of view, the game is based on the capabilities of the popular Unity engine.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Too Many Me Summary
PC / Windows