The Shadows of Mordor is a continuation of the adventures of the Hobbits who set off from their hometown of Shire to destroy the Only Ring in the fires of Mount Destiny. As in the case of The Fellowship of the Ring, we are dealing with a text adventure in which all commands will be entered using the keyboard.
The Shadows of Mordor Description
The Shadows of Mordor is a continuation of the adventures of the Hobbits who set off from their hometown of Shire to destroy the Only Ring in the fires of Mount Destiny. As in the case of The Fellowship of the Ring, we are dealing with a text adventure, in which all commands will be entered using the keyboard. If the player so wishes at the beginning of the game, the action can also be coloured with simple drawings.
After parting on the banks of the Anduina River, Frodo and Sam set off alone in the direction of Mordor. The game allows you to play only one character, the other will automatically follow us. When exploring inhospitable terrain, you will also be accompanied by Smeagol, the former owner of the Only Ring. The player can give him simple orders, just like the inactive Hobbit. They are usually limited to taking an object or attacking an unfriendly creature. The Shadows of Mordor's main task is to reach and cross the border of Sauron's kingdom through an underground tunnel inhabited by Shelfoba, a huge spider.
The Shadows of Mordor loosely interprets events from the book's original. First of all, there is no reference to other heroes who experienced their own adventures during the journey of Frodo and Sam. It is a pity that Beam Software decided not to include these threads in Shadows of Mordor, even in a separate file, as was the case with The Fellowship of the Ring. The quality of the drawings, which, despite the passage of two years, do not differ much from the previous game, is also not overwhelming.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
The Shadows of Mordor Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Beam Software
Publisher: Melbourne House
Age restrictions: 12+