The Polar Express is an action/adventure game based entirely on an animated film published in November 2004 under the same title. Directed by Robert Zemeckis ("Return to the Future", "Forrest Gump") tells the story of a boy who loses faith in the existence of Santa Claus.
Videos and Screens
The Polar Express Description
Climb aboard the Polar Express, a magical train on a journey to the North Pole! Meet memorable characters from the film as you race across train tops, ride runaway rail cars, and sort through mountains of presents. It's an adventure you'll never forget.
# Explore massive 3-D environments including the North Pole and The Polar Express
# Interact with memorable characters from the film including: the Girl Know-it-All, Lonely Boy, the Hobo, Smokey & Steamer and the Elves
# Play mini-games, solve puzzles, and search for lost presents
Last updated on January 27, 2020
The Polar Express Summary
PC / Windows November 3, 2004
PlayStation 2 November 2, 2004
GameCube November 2, 2004
Game Boy Advance November 1, 2004
Developer: Blue Tongue Software
Publisher: THQ Inc.
The Polar Express System Requirements
PlayStation 2
Uses: kamera EyeToy