Unusual MMOG production with the ambition to combine as many as three game genres in one box. Depending on the needs and preferences of players, the program can take the form of a fast FPS shooter, strategic RTS or an interesting RPG, with an advanced ranking system.
Terra: Formations Description
Terra: Formations is an untypical MMOG production with the ambition to combine as many as three game genres in one box. Depending on the needs and preferences of players, the program can take the form of a fast FPS shooter, strategic RTS or an interesting RPG, with an advanced ranking system. In all possible modes, the title is characterized by high dynamics and engaging gameplay, also possible on platforms without an Internet connection (dedicated single player, additionally colored with adventure elements).
The position has a typical, futuristic story. We are in 2157, humanity has already extracted practically everything possible from the Earth, melting resources into modern technology, power and money. In order to maintain the pace of civilisational development, it was necessary to quickly find an alternative source of raw materials - it turned out that the moon of Jupiter, Europe, which, however, required complex terraforming, was particularly suitable for this purpose. Developing a plan for this complex operation and preparing the powerful machines for extremely hard work in difficult conditions, people were initially confident of their success. However, when the first Earth reconnaissance team arrived on site and proceeded to a slightly more detailed analysis of the icy surface of the satellite, it turned out that their environment was not particularly friendly, which significantly complicated mankind's plans for the future. The player takes on the role of a member of the elite expeditionary forces, which are supposed to deal efficiently with all manifestations of resistance from extraterrestrial beings. Victory will make us the rulers of the Solar System. It is better not to mention the consequences of failure. So there is something to fight for.
There are four different character classes available to the player, each offering a completely different style of play. For classic maniacs, net shootouts there is a standard soldier (Soldier), well equipped (many types of weapons) and perfectly trained to fight in all conditions. In case of danger, these warriors always stand in the forefront and effectively protect the other colonists against all aggressors. Engineer, in turn, is a profession addressed to more patient and calmer players, who prefer to build rather than destroy. Practically unarmed and useless in combat, they play a key role in any plans to expand the base. Only they can build new structures and repair damaged equipment, so groups of engineers should always operate under the efficient cover of an armed marines unit. The next class are inventors (Researchers), useful for the development of more and more modern technologies and the study of all kinds of matter found on the planet. They should also stay away from the battlefield - their role is to find new, more effective tools (including murder), and consequently to improve the work of the whole team. The last class is the Commander, who looks at the whole game from a slightly different, tactical perspective, having more in common with real time strategy. It is the commanding officer who ensures that each player has a clearly defined role and task.
The division into professions forms the basis of Terra's 'multi-species': Formations - Unreal or Quake fans will be happy to use Soldier; Engineer and Researcher are classes reminiscent of RPGs; and fans of strategic look at the battlefield will take on the role of Commander. Only a harmonious and complementary collective is able to achieve the set goal, which is why this profession is one of the most responsible, but also one of the most rewarding.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Terra: Formations Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Star Cave Studios
Age restrictions: 12+