Massively multiplayer gaming takes on a new face in PlanetSide®, where thousands of players wage war on a planetary scale. A newly designed 3D engine drives PlanetSide's first-person player-to-player combat and vehicular warfare across ten continents.
It doesn't matter if you're an avid RPG gamer or a fanatical FPS player, you'll find something in PlanetSide that's just right for you.
The stage has been set, the battle lines drawn, and dropships are ready to deploy you PlanetSide!
PlanetSide features an assortment of powerful weapons. Some find their origins within one of the three empires, while others fall into the Common Pool category where they are accessible to all. Get a glimpse of just a small sampling of the many weapons available in PlanetSide.
With hundreds of square kilometers of terrain, players will need a method for traversing these distances, as well as waging vehicular war. Familiarize yourself with some of the vehicles and aircraft offered in PlanetSide.
From the standard Exo-suit to the powerhouse defensive shell of the MAX, smart choice in armor may determine a soldier's chance of survival in combat.
Planetary wars rage day and night. Assess the current balance of power and determine by hotspots where the action is and where forces are needed for defensive or offensive battle. Determine facility status and follow way points established by commanders.
Your own player page and stat repository is here at your command. Character stats for yourself and information about other player-characters and outfits, an updated World Map with balance-of-power info, Leaderboards and more. My Planetside is your command center for game data.
Game Specific Features:
Massively multiplayer first person action game
Wage war with thousands in a persistent global conflict of unprecedented scale
Player roles to fit the situation: join a team to conquer territory, fortify a base against attack, or support any offensive or defensive maneuver
Character development and advancement through ranks
Team tactical combat for control of planetary regions, with real-time territory control updates
Seamless worlds on a massive scale with large indoor environments
The ten continents of Auraxis™ are hostile and active
Real-time weather and environmental factors
Full team support
Vehicle physics and flight model
Instant Action mode--a quick and easy way to get into the thick of battle
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Videos and Screens
[1:56] PlanetSide Advanced Engineering Update
PlanetSide Summary
Game Series: PlanetSide
PC / Windows May 20, 2003 July 1, 2016 (EOL)
Developer: Daybreak Game Company / Sony Online Entertainment
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

PlanetSide System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 4 1.6 GHz, 512MB RAM, 64MB graphic card, podłączenie do sieci Internet
Game Expansions for PlanetSide

PlanetSide: Core Combat
July 1, 2016
Core Combat is an extension of Massively Multiplayer FPS called PlanetSide. Six new underground areas, three new weapons and vehicles, a new combat mode and a number of minor improvements have been made available to the player.