Tales of Eternia Online is a Japanese MMORPG, created by a duo of Namco/Dwango companies. It is based on the extremely popular in Japan world of games from the Tales Of series, namely the second part of Tales of Destiny.
Tales of Eternia Online Description
Tales of Eternia Online is a Japanese MMORPG, created by a duo of Namco/Dwango companies. It is based on the extremely popular in Japan game world of the Tales Of series, namely the second part of Tales of Destiny (in Europe known as Tales of Eternia), originally released on the PlayStation One platform, and then adapted to operate on the PlayStation Portable handhelda.
The plot of the ToE network variation wasplaced temporarily exactly at the beginning of the second album of the original, right after the Reid team left the Inferia world and entered Celestia. A player living in parallel creates his own virtual hero, whose fate he then directs. We decide for ourselves about his gender and his initial abilities and profession. We have five classes with unique abilities to choose from. Swordsman is a well-trained offensive soldier, able to master various types of gutter (swords, daggers, axes or spears) and dealing significant physical damage in hand-to-hand combat. The Warrior, in turn, is a very difficult to kill heartwood, which works well in front line combat, and is the only class whose representatives can wear a shield. For lovers of pure hand-to-hand combat there is a skillful Fighter, who is fluent in the art of dodging and is able to derive complex and extremely complex combinations of strokes (comba), in the whirlwind of fights also prove useful (unfortunately " limited) healing skills. If you prefer the role of battle support or don't like to kill yourself, it's worth considering the choice of a Priest (Cleric) who specializes in defensive magic and has numerous healing spells. The last available profession is the Sorcerer (Mage), not very strong in physical combat and not very durable, but having a very wide range of offensive spells with unusual potential.
Tales of Eternia Online uses a derivative of the Linear Motion Battle System combat mode, in this case still bearing the prefix Online. The fact that after the start of the battle, both player characters and attacked monsters are isolated from the outside world and no outsiders can join in such a battle has eliminated the threat of theft of gold, objects and experience (kill-stealing). The only exception to this rule of "fighting isolation" is a special "panic" option, which allows you to signal to nearby players the possibility of joining the fight, which can often save your skin. Of course, we are not doomed to wander on our own - players can form four-person groups of heroes, and then fight together more efficiently and gain experience faster (two modes of dividing points: each equally and the big one gets more, the last rewarding characters with a higher level of experience).
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
in Tales of Game Series
Game Series
Tales of Series
The jRPG game series, considered the third most popular among fans of the genre (after Final Fantasy i Dragon Quest). The series was created by the Wolf Team development studio, and Namco Bandai corporation takes care of its development.
31 video games
Tales of Eternia Online Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Dwango
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Age restrictions: none
Tales of Eternia Online System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium III 600 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 32 MB graphic card, 1,5 GB HDD, Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP