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Joe Dever's Lone Wolf
February 16, 2018
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf is a Forge Reply made article enriched with elements taken from the cRPG genre. As we play, we follow the text narrative and make decisions that lead the plot to new tracks. At the same time, the battle sequences were realized in the form of a turn-based battle system, offering three-dimensional graphics and considerable freedom of tactics.
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
September 13, 2018
An adaptation of the popular gamebook that was released in the 80's. The game was developed by Tin Man Games. It takes place in a grim fantasy universe and the player assumes the role of an adventurer who seeks to obtain treasures of a powerful sorcerer hiding at the top of the titular mountain. In order to reach the chest with the valuables, one must gain two keys and then defeat the sorcerer. Gameplay mechanics in The Warlock of Firetop Mountain are similar to classic gamebooks, allowing the player to explore dungeons, disarm various traps and fight monsters – all by selecting one of a few available actions. What’s different from the original gamebook is how the action is presented. Instead of blocks of text, the title employs fully three-dimensional graphics with text descriptions. Combat sequences play out using a turn-based system, just like in classic cRPG games.