Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival
Release Date: October 30, 2001
Conversion of one of the best made two-dimensional beats. Several dozens of different warriors are at the player's disposal. It is worth mentioning that the control system is extensive but easy to use.
Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival Description
Button-mashers, beware: the legendary combo-based tournament fighter debuts on the Game Boy Advance in flashy, fist-pumping style. But behind all the stern-faced warriors, exotic settings and myriad options and modes lies spot-on play control and a complex fighting engine.
The first Street Fighter debuted in the arcades in the '80s, but it was 1991's combo-driven sequel that really caught the fancy of the quarter-dropping public. Notable enhancements to the four wildly popular Super NES versions include a lightening-fast turbo feature, new moves and new challengers like T. Hawk and Fei Long.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
in Street Fighter Game Series
Game Series
Street Fighter Series
A series of brawlers counted among the strict canon of the genre. The series was created by Takashi Nishiyama and Hiroshi Matsumoto and is considered one of the most important brands in the portfolio of the Japanese company Capcom.
27 video games
Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival Summary
Game Boy Advance
Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival System Requirements
Game Boy Advance
Uses: link-cable additionally (GBA): link-cable