Super Contra Video Game Series
Super Contra Series Evolution
Contra: Operation Galuga
Contra: Rogue Corps

Contra: Operation Galuga
March 12, 2024
A remake of an iconic 1987 shoot 'em up, developed by WayForward and published by Konami. Contra: Operation Galuga features thoroughly refreshed visuals and modernised mechanics.

Contra: Rogue Corps
September 24, 2019
Twin-stick shooter, in which we take control of one of the four highly diverse heroes and compete with the army of space invaders, playing alone or in the company of other players. Contra: Rogue Corps represents Konami's iconic series.

Super Contra
July 25, 2007
A classic two-dimensional shooter, whose roots go back to 8-bit platforms. Moving to the right side of the screen we eliminate waves of attacking enemies. In some stages, however, the camera changes its position, showing the battles from a bird's eye view.

November 8, 2006
Contra is a refreshed version of the classic two-dimensional shooter of the genre "Continuously move in one direction and destroy everything on your way". The original made its commercial debut in the second half of the 1980s on a variety of hardware platforms, while the remake was dedicated to the Xbox 360 platform.
Super Contra Series News

Konami's Cult Series is Back. Contra: Operation Galuga Gets Release Date and Demo
Konami has announced the official release date for Contra: Operation Galuga. In addition, you can try out the demo version of the remake of the 1987, cult shoot'em up right now.
video games
Kamil Kleszyk
February 26, 2024