Star Trek: New Worlds

Star Trek: New Worlds


Release Date: August 30, 2000

Strategy, science fiction, RTS, Star Trek, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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A real-time strategy embedded in Trek's Star Trek universe. The Federation, Klingoni and Romulanians and the mighty Metar race are fighting uncompromisingly for dominance over the planetary system of Tabula Rasa.

Interplay studio 14 Degrees East specializes in Star Trek universe related productions. However, while Star Trek: Klingon Academy's earlier games were starship simulators, Star Trek: New Worlds is an attempt to create a real-time strategy with 3D graphics. Initially, Binary Asylum worked on the game, but the results of the British efforts were not satisfactory for the publisher, who finally commissioned his own studio to carry out the project.

Star Trek: New Worlds was set just before the events in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country". Warrior Klingoni sabotage the risky Romulan experiment. Scientists lose control of the reaction, resulting in a surprising system of celestial bodies called Tabula Rasa. Many new planets appear in space. The most rich in raw materials attract the attention of the Federation, Romulan and Klingons. Three factions begin their struggle for dominance over the new planets. The colonizers don't realize, however, that the experiment awakened from sleep a powerful race of Metars, who are not favorable to the newcomers.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Age restrictions: 12+

Star Trek: New Worlds System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium 266, 32Mb RAM, graphic card 3D, 195Mb HDD